Looking for an Elective: Take This One!
The end of the school year is upon us, and with that comes time to finalize a schedule for next year. For most, deciding what electives to take can be tricky because there are a lot to choose from. When deciding on electives, you most likely have some of these thoughts and questions running through your mind: What class would I enjoy? What class is the easiest? I don’t want to pick a boring class! Which teacher will I like? What kind of work will I get?
While most of the electives offered at VHS are significant and informative, one stands out from the rest: Journalism I. If you have not already taken Journalism I with Mr. White, you are missing out big time! Not only is the topic of journalism fundamental to our generation and society as a whole, but Mr. White truly knows how to teach the class in a fun and effective way.
What is journalism? Journalism is the action or study of writing, editing, photographing, and or broadcasting any form of news, whether it be for a newspaper, magazine, company, school, book, television, etc. Journalism is a way to connect with the world around us in an effective way. It is a one of the best ways to be informed and on the lookout for current events going on in the world around us. It is the perfect excuse to learn so much about people you might be curious about. It is the most efficient way to express your opinions and thoughts to the world. It is the best way to inform others. It is the best way to make people see things the way you want them to see things. You can major, minor, or simply study journalism in college. You can make it your career! The possibilities are endless.
Now that you get a sense of what journalism is, you are probably wondering what the class offered at VHS is like. In a word: fantastic. Not only do you learn the fundamentals of journalism, reporting and writing, but you do so in a fun and easy to learn manner. You discuss current events in school, and the world, learn about the history of journalism and how it came to be what it is today. The majority of work you will get is reading and writing your own stories (most of which are on topics you get to choose). If you do a good enough job your story can make it into our school newspaper The Fairviewer, which will give you a sense of pride anda great bonus for your college applications. The only homework you will get is finishing a story that is due. You will also watch some of the most interesting movies about journalism – not boring movies, but some of the best movies you’ll watch while at VHS. It sounds like a lot, but over the course of the year you’ll find it comes easy and it is not hard at all. Last but not least, you will have a great time getting to know Mr. White.
What is so great about Mr. White? “Mr. White is probably one of the funniest teachers at this school,” said senior Remy Sullivan. Senior Joseph Kubacki said “He is so chill and really makes the class fun. I don’t think I was ever bored in his class because he knows how to teach teenagers; he gets us.” Senior Sam Bass said “I like him because he gives his students an interactive lesson plan rather than a cut and dried bore fest.”
I personally don’t recall having a better teacher in my four years at VHS. Mr. White is super down to earth, understanding, great at teaching what he teaches, and so funny. Ask anyone who has been in one of Mr. White’s classes, and I guarantee they will give you a positive response.
If you’re still questioning taking Journalism I as an elective, it’s worth a try anyway! Most of us complain that what we learn in school won’t help us in the real world, but Journalism I is the class that puts you front and center in the real world. You may end up liking it so much that you want to major in it in college and make it your future career. Sign up to take it, you won’t regret it!