WandaVision Hits Disney +
After the much anticipated return of the Marvel Cinematic Universe after an 18-month hiatus, Marvel Studio’s WandaVision, premiered on January 15 on Disney+. The show’s premise follows Wanda, portrayed by Elizabeth Olsen, and Vision, portrayed by Paul Bettany, as they settle down in the fictional suburban town of Westview, New Jersey. The two struggle to balance their new life and not reveal their powers, which they need to keep a secret from their new neighbors and the rest of the town.
The show mimics a sitcom format, basing each episode on a different popular sitcom from each decade. Although this is not something typical of Marvel, it has been executed extremely well and has made for some very enjoyable episodes. This show is the perfect way for Marvel fans to stay engaged while waiting for the release of the next movie. This show is a perfect mix of action and comedy, and will keep you on the edge of your seat. With so many cliffhangers and plot points you did not see coming, this show will constantly leave you wanting more and anticipating the next episode. Additionally WandaVision is filled with references to previous MCU movies, as well as the return of some beloved characters, which fans of the previous movies would enjoy.
With the ninth and final episode of the season airing next Friday, this leaves just enough time to catch up on the entirety of the season. With plans for the show to tie into future MCU movies, I highly recommend this unique and brilliant show to anyone who loves all things Marvel, or who is looking for a new show to watch!