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The past couple of weeks have left people feeling very anxious because of the fluctuating Coronavirus cases.
The American people get an update on the rising numbers of cases and deaths all day every day. Governor Phil Murphy posts tweets daily for the New Jersey people to be reminded to keep wearing a mask, stay six feet away, and wash your hands.
Many thought a second wave was not going to hit us, and here we are in the midst of a second wave hitting us very hard. With the cases skyrocketing, many Americans are confused and anxious about what the future holds. Is there going to be a second lockdown such as we experienced in March? Is the virus the same as it was in March? Not many people know the answer to these, but if we all follow the guidelines there will be an end to this eventually.
With fall sports coming to an end, Thanksgiving approaching, and the first marking period closing up, VHS told students and staff were informed that we would be switching back to all-remote learning for two weeks. With the cases rising so rapidly, this was not a shock to many, but rather a wake up call telling people that COVID did not go away.
As we approach the reopening, uncertainty persists. If there is one thing this pandemic taught us, it is that nothing is for sure, and if we are going to survive we must be flexible and willing to adapt to any necessary change. The Verona High School community has been able to adapt thus far, moving forward we must continue to work together and adapt as required.