Pink Flamingo Mystery Solved
A strange sight was spotted on VHS’s front lawn the week of April 24-28: a flock of fake flamingos.
The culprits: the VHS Spotlight Players, who were holding a fundraiser. Participants were allowed to purchase a flock of flamingos for $15, or a trio for $10. These bright pink flamingos lit up front lawns all over Verona as they were secretly placed and allowed to “roost” for 24 hours. After the 24 hours was up, the flamingos would fly to another lawn, with a little help from, and a small fee paid to, the Spotlight Players. Members of the group would sneak onto the lawn at night, remove the flamingos, and move them onto the next lawn that donated.
For those completely against the idea of having flamingos placed on their lawn, anti-flocking insurance was available for $45 which would protect you from a migration for the entire week.
“It’s a fun and different way to raise money,” said VHS Spotlight Player Carleigh Hoimark.
This fundraiser began in 2016 and was organized by Melody Williams, who was the SPPA president, who got the idea from a similar fundraiser at her church. According to band parent Patti Walsh, who ran the fundraiser this year, there were 70 orders and the spotlight players raised about $1,000. She called it “a terrifically successful fundraiser this year”.
The money raised from the flamingos goes to support scholarships that are given to graduating seniors, as well as the productions the Spotlight Players put on every year.
Although the fundraiser has ended, be sure to be on the lookout for the pink feathered friends next year and help support the drama program!